BRAVE NEW WORLD is an annual Art & Science conference for people who want to know what the future holds in store and how this will affect their work and life. On Thursday and Friday 14 – 15 September 2023, the worlds of culture, philosophy, science, technology and storytelling will collide. We want to discuss what ethical and societal impact new technologies could have on human life, before the innovations are introduced in society. This conference is for people who want to go beyond their own field of interest, who want to network with others with innovative mindset.
Het ministerie van OCW heeft in 2022 budget gereserveerd om een programma te ontwikkelen waarmee de impact van ontwerpend onderzoek op maatschappelijke opgaven wordt versterkt. De beoogde looptijd van dit te ontwikkelen programma is drie jaar, van 2023 tot 2025. Het kabinet heeft €9 miljoen gereserveerd voor het programma. Onderdeel van het ontwerpproces is een aantal dialoogsessies waarin ingegaan wordt op de vraag hoe een ontwerpende aanpak de impact op maatschappelijke opgaves kan vergroten. De data en locaties van de eerste drie sessies zijn bekend:
Woensdag 15 februari 2023 - 20:30 - Stadstheater Arnhem, Kleine Zaal Wim Klein, de laatste menselijke computer is een theaterconcert over de humor en tragiek van het hoofdrekenwonder Wim Klein, alias Willy Wortel: een genie, clown en wetenschapper die zijn leven leefde alsof het variété was.
September 6-10, 2023
Linz, AustriaExperience firsthand how new technologies are changing our lives. Discover for yourself how machine learning, VR, robotics or biotech can contribute to socially and ecologically sustainable progress. Discuss at eye level what rights and obligations we should have as digital citizens. Getting to know people from all over the world who want to help shape the future of all of us critically but optimistically. Ars Electronica stands for all of this. We’re looking forward to you being a part of it, too! Some Body is the third exhibition at the VU ART SCIENCE gallery. The exhibition and lecture series explores the boundaries and functions of the body in our digitalized world. Featured artists Marijn Bax, Simon Keizer, Sissel Marie Tonn and Coralie Vogelaar.
The New European Bauhaus offers people numerous ways to make their personal living environment not only sustainable, but also beautiful and inclusive.
But what are the opportunities in this for the Dutch knowledge field? And how are Dutch researchers already involved? This is what the webinar "Building the New European Bauhaus: now & in the future" is about. Also curious about the New European Bauhaus? Then register now to find out what the possibilities are for the Dutch knowledge field! Registrations are open for the online webinar on January 25, 3-4 pm. You can register via this registration form. After one hundred days Kim Putters, chairman of the Social and Economic Council (SER) shares his view on our world in transition: everything has to change, is his view: from the topics the SER discusses to the people who are allowed to participate. 'The social model that focuses on material growth is coming to an end. Read the interview (in Dutch)
Photo by Joel Filipe - Unsplash
July 2023
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